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Install DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search from Google Chrome Webstore

DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search - How to use?

1 Install the Extension

DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search allows you to quickly search and filter through your chat history, saving you time and effort.

  • Download the DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Once downloaded, it will automatically be added to your Chrome browser.
  • Make sure to pin the DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search icon so that it appears in your browser's toolbar.
2 Activate the Extension

To activate the DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search extension:

  • Navigate to ChatGPT chat where you want to filter the chat history.
  • Click on the DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search icon in your browser's toolbar.
  • This will activate the extension and add a search field to your active chat window.
3 Use the Search Field

To search and filter your chat history:

  • Start typing in the search field. The extension will automatically filter your chat history based on your input.
  • Messages that don't match your search will be hidden, leaving only the relevant chats visible.
  • To clear the search, simply delete the text in the search field. This will make all your chats visible again.

Enjoy your enhanced browsing experience with DilterBilter ChatGPT Conversation Search!